"The heavy child suffers in silence" is a campaign against child obesity. The project treats the child obesity issue from an unexpected perspective: beyond what everybody sees, the obese children experiments real emotional, psychological and social problems because of their conditions, all leads to a vicious circle. Apparently, an uninteresting, in a country, Romania, where one in two children has weight problems, and the fourth child is obese. The campaign seeks to draw attention to the emotional issues these children face and to reduce the visual communication deficit for this issue. The challenge was to find a creative way to approach a seemingly ignored topic. The campaign is translated in English because the topic should be a global concern. During the working process, there has been done a series of visual, analogue or digital experiments. Although initially there was an established target for the campaign, the subject was approached from different perspectives. The campaign has its own visual identity, its slogan, a series of nine illustrated posters and applications. The concept is based on research results and is focused on the emotional path. The Campaign is on Ads of the World: https://www.adsoftheworld.com/media/integrated/fa_ceva_the_heavy_child_suffers_in_silence
The Campaign is part of my MA thesis - prof. Coord. Marina Theodorescu PhD. Concept & Design: Oana Mărieș